Hello again! I've just about recovered from my first ever music festival which was Barn On The Farm, and holy cow was it a good one to start with! Never have I been so warm but chilled out at the same time.

The actual set up of this little gem of a festival was great, a cosy field with a little 100m or so dirt road from the
camping field to the barns, which wasn't too bad in the heatwave that we had. The food and drinks were decently priced and the toilets, which I think EVERYONE was dreading, were actually not too bad (they had an actual flush, toilet paper at all times AND hand sanitizer!!!).
As you could probably tell by reading my previous reviews, the acts in this festival were exactly my sort of thing (I've put a cross next to the acts we saw). I was really worried that there would be some clashes, like Nina Nesbitt, Lauren Aquilina and Leo Stannard, but luckily when an act had finished there was a gap long enough for the one of the other artist's sets on another stage, and I don't think we ended up having any clashes at all!
Everyone we saw was truly incredible, but these are the people that I've never seen live before and definitely stood out to me:
Leo Stannard - I've been hoping to see this guy since his mahogany sessions and he is such a treat live!
Dog Is Dead - Gutted I couldn't see them in April, but the wait to see them live was definitely worth it. They have so much energy live and had everyone jumping about!
Hudson Taylor - B E A U T I F U L Irish lads with accents and singing voices to die for, definitely worth a listen.
Matt Corby - Someone on here told me to listen to him a few months ago and his voice is incredible, but live his voice is just so powerful, he definitely doesn't hold back or play it safe there! The sound of everyone singing that bit from Brother is definitely something that will stay with me forever.
What made this weekend ever better was that we got to meet a whole load of the acts, which you can see on the flickr account I just created for it, (the link for it HERE if it doesn't appear on my profile).
As a whole, absolutely incredible weekend which I look forward to going to next year, I should definitely remember to put sun cream on my shoulders, and ostriches are scary!
(And a very Happy Birthday to Nina Nesbitt who turns 19 today and played a great set featuring a few new songs from the album which is 'nearly done' and is definitely one of the nicest people I've met at BOTF)