Lewis Watson gig featuring his new band!!!

(This lovely picture is thanks to my wonderful friend Holly, my phone died on me ☹)

Hello! So I've just finished 1 week of mocks and inbetween I got to see the adorable Lewis Watson perform live at the Deaf Institute in Manchester along with his astounding support acts!
(If you don't know who Lewis Watson is, then look at my first review of him, listen to a few of his youtube songs then come back and be ready to sob over his beauty)

As I said, last night was phenomenal! (even if I got 5 hours of sleep before a 2 hour maths mock, oh well it was worth it!) The support acts were from The Lake Poets and Mayer, both of whom I had never heard of before but I did enjoy them, especially The Lake Poets who is an absolute cutie with a brilliant voice. Mayer was also brilliant despite his elaborated hand movements and facial expressions while singing.

So, Lewis Watson who is currently a massive part of my revision playlist, played a divine set, including his new 'band' (a drummer and a bassist/keyboard/backing harmony) which excelled his performance even further. Since the last time I saw Lewis live, his voice has grown so much more, as well as his stage presence and interactiveness with the crowd. He has also added 2 new songs to his repertoire of songs which were called 'Little Darling' which he wrote in Australia, and another song which he played at the end, but I can't find or remember the name of! (as soon as I find out I will update this) But the second new song will be a definite hit, it's upbeat, good rhythm, lovely lyrics and most of all, this charming man wrote the lyrics himself unlike a lot of the mainstream music artists these days.

As a whole I found Lewis' gig this time much more enchanting and captivating than last time, nevertheless Lewis is absolutely fabulous live!

After the gig, Lewis/Mayer/The Lake Poets met fans and signed things and took pictures with us, which was really nice! Even after the venue had to clear us out of the building (into the rain) Lewis still met every fan and took pictures and signed things which was really sweet, I got a picture with Lewis and Martin from The Lake Poets

(sorry for the odd face, the wind was blowing in my eyes, also there's a girl behind me creeping in on my moment with Lewis, sigh)

(odd flash but Martin is a right angel and also looks like he was a bit drunk)

We were also given fabric bracelets on the way in as a little memo of the gig:
(the yellow one is from his first headline tour in October from Sound Control, the grey one is from the latest gig ☺)

As always, thanks for reading and I really do hope you like Lewis Watson as he is immensely talented and has the most amazing personality, I wish him well in his new tour next March (where he isn't coming to Manchester ☹☹☹ but I also hope he does well supporting Birdy in Australia next April! Good luck Lewis you little cherub!

Twitter - @Levvis_
Facebook - Lewis Watson

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